Opening Up the Farm Checklist
- Turn on main house heat or cooling using thermostat
- At main house breaker box, turn (or leave) ON breaker for water heater (#34, marked with black arrow on white tape)
- Adjust living room wall clock as needed
- If need to get in garage and/or use guesthouse, get garage and guesthouse keys from key hanger. Unlock garage red side door
- If using guesthouse, turn (or leave) ON the breaker for the guesthouse water heater (marked with black arrow on white tape) in the garage breaker box. Unlock guesthouse door, and turn heaters on as needed.
- Return garage / guesthouse key to key hanger.
- Check for mail in mailbox
- Fill bird seed and suet feeders front and back. Fill side hummingbird feeder with hummer food.